Monday, February 17, 2020

2nd week down

Hey ya'll it's already my last week in the MTC before i go out into the field. It's been a pretty decent week overall except for the few times i've gotten stressed. Me and my district get along really well and it sucks that I already have to leave them in a week. My district has some of the nicest guys I've ever met including my companion. He's a really patient and humble guy and he's put up with me pretty well so far lol. Last week I was feeling really stressed one night and I asked him for a priesthood blessing and he gave me one. I couldn't explain how, but I went to bad that night sleeping like a baby feeling a lot less worried. And ever since I've gotten that blessing, I haven't felt near as worried as I was. I'm glad I have access to recieve blessings in my life.

I've already learned a lot while i've been here at the MTC. Like I said last week, I've been gaining a lot of social skills but I've also learned that I'm gaining a better tolerance of dealing with people and bad  situations. Well, I don't really know what else to say for this week. It's mostly just been the same routine for me everyday and I've just been having fun with my roommates and district. I'm sure I'll have a lot more to say in the next email when I fly out to virginia. But for now I want all of you to know that you're very loved and I wish you guys the best this week.

Live Maas

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